Our Divisions

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Livable Housing

Specialist disability housing for the Harnest team is simply – “Livable Housing”. Beautiful, functional housing for everyone of all ages and abilities to enjoy throughout a lifetime.

We believe that homes designed and built to fully accessible SDA Standard is best practice for investors seeking homes that provide appeal to the broadest cohorts throughout the community. It just makes good sense to build homes that are suitable for as many people as possible. Homes that are suitable for Ageing in Place.

Accessible homes are

Proudly designed and developed by Illowra
  • Custom designed to SDA Design Standards
  • Custom-designed to meet the needs of NDIS participants
  • Are enriched assets catering to the broadest range of cohorts across the community
  • Contribute to the sustainability of housing stock, minimising the need to retrofit homes as occupant or family needs change.
  • Allow occupants to live the way they want to live

A unique approach

Our approach to building beautiful, livable homes is always collaborative and occupant focused. Where we are building housing for participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), our mission is to build a home that positively contributes to the lives of the NDIS participant, their families and those who care for them.  

Harnest partners with industry leaders from a range of multi discipline sectors to build quality, SDA housing including;

  • SDA Providers
  • Fund Managers
  • Housing Associations
  • SIL Providers
  • SDA Assessors
  • Investors

Harnest Homes consider


 Designed for cost-efficient buildability


 homes built with care to a resilient standard.


designed to meet the needs of occupants for long term tenure



homes that incorporate design, materials and finishes that contribute to livability, reduced operating costs and minimise environmental impact where possible.

Longevity value

specifications for each home designed to cater for a range of attributes that enhance livability and reduce maintenance liability over time.

Our team capabilities include

  • Project site sourcing
  • Home design
  • Pre construction project services
  • Project management
  • Construction management
  • Construction contract administration
  • Supplier management
  • Asset maintenance

Building livable housing for all ages and abilities. Homes that support occupants to live the way they want to live and Age in Place when required.