Social Responsibility
We build homes for families to enjoy their future in
Sustainability initiatives
We build homes for families to enjoy their future in. We value the beneficial impacts of sustainable practices for individuals, families and the community. We value the implementation of sustainability initiatives in both the operational and product sides of our business. So much so, we have a voluntary Sustainability Working Group actively exploring and actioning sustainability initiatives within the business. We acknowledge the United Nations’ core set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UN’s blueprint for achieving a happier and healthier world by 2030.

Sustainability with purpose
Our internal Sustainability Policy and Action Plan drives consistent review and improvement of the way we work and how we build. We aim to operate in a way that supports the environment that our clients, families, team and community live in, for enjoyment now and into the future.
- Actively explore and action ways to minimise our environmental footprint through innovation and being energy resource efficient.
- Respect & care for our environment, encompassing water, waste reduction, minimisation of pollutants, community and cultural interests.
- Always consider how to reduce, reuse & recycle
- Work with our subcontractors and suppliers to help them meet our expectations.
- Consider the environment when we design, plan and deliver our work.
- Proactively develop, review and manage our environmental management systems.
- Set measurable objectives and target to ensure continual improvement.
Harnest design service for clients offers a range of design standards that contribute to sustainable livable housing outcomes.

Our team has been building 7 Star NatHERS homes for the last 5 years, building quality, sustainable homes beyond standard requirements, prior to the emerging 7 Star NaTHERS mandatory requirement.
We seek to support the Victorian Government’s Sustainable Procurement Objectives of;
- Utilising sustainable resources and managing waste and pollution
- Minimise greenhouse gas emissions
- Build housing that is resilient to the impacts of climate change
Harnest Constructions is proudly part of the Mazzei Group, a Melbourne City Switch Program Member.